Other / Jennyfan.com/20

20/20 Interview Series

A series of long-form interviews on navigating the Odyssey Years of their twenties


20/20 is an in-progress interview project exploring twenty individuals and their experiences navigating through their twenties.


I finally completed interviews in 2015 after 2.5 years, and got some Reddit attention and a lot of nice props. The content of the interviews are very inspiring, and while this pool I drew from was fairly homogenous, I learned so much from these interviews. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed putting it together.

Inspired by academic and vernacular sociological discussions of emerging adulthood, the Odyssey Years, and the Millennial generation's worldviews, life choices, and economic conditions, I began (slowly) interviewing some of my friends in 2013 to hear their stories.

It took over 2 years to conduct, transcribe, and edit the interviews to be published, so the lack of timeliness and the bizarre nature of catching the subjects at one point of their lives makes this a snapshot across time. Conversations that were novel in 2013 with my friend on a couch seemed so distant when talking to peers just two years later in life.